EAA AirVenture

EAA Airventure Made Easy

Each year, more than half a million aviation enthusiasts from around the world are welcomed to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to attend EAA AirVenture. At EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, meet with air hobbyists alike and see the world’s best pilots perform shows that leave with you a lifetime of memories.

EAA AirVenture is located only 20 miles from Appleton Flight Center and Appleton International Airport. Choose Appleton Flight Center for your convenience in attending the week-long event.

  • Easily fly in and out
  • Full-service fuel
  • Shuttle to/from the EAA AirVenture grounds – schedule coming soon
  • Transportation from your aircraft to Appleton Flight Center for both your arrival & departure
  • EAA rental car and area information

Airventure Rates and Reservations

  • Concrete ramp parking (18 acres) to accommodate larger planes and twins – pricing depends on aircraft size
  • Grass parking to accommodate smaller aircraft
  • On-Site U.S. Customs 

EAA AirVenture Made Easy

EAA AirVenture is located only 20 miles from Appleton Flight Center and Appleton International Airport. Choose Appleton Flight Center for your convenience in attending the week-long event.

  • Easily fly in and out
  • Full-service fuel
  • Shuttle to/from the EAA AirVenture grounds – Schedule Coming Soon
  • Transportation from your aircraft to Appleton Flight Center for both your arrival & departure
  • EAA rental car and area information

Arrival Information

Arrival Routes
Ensure a smooth arrival by reviewing the VFR procedures and maps.


View Here

Tying Down Your Aircraft
Aircraft on grass parking must be tied down; tie-down kits are available from EAA volunteers on site for $50.

VFR Procedures and Maps

Watches, Warnings, and What To Do

If severe weather does develop, Public Safety will be notified and come out to direct you to Appleton Flight Center or another location out of the elements:

Arrival Information

Arrival Routes

Ensure a smooth arrival by reviewing the VFR procedures and maps.

Tying Down Your Aircraft

Aircraft on grass parking must be tied down; tie-down kits are available on site for $50.